No Oven? No problem! 5 Ways to Bake Delicious Cake Without An Oven

Did you know you can bake beautiful, tasty cakes even without an oven? It doesn’t matter whether you don’t have an oven or just don’t want to use one, don’t let that stop you from carving that beautiful cake. Whether it’s for a birthday or an anniversary or you’re just feeling like it, cakes make every occasion special.

The best part is that you only need the right ingredients and some creativity to bake cakes without an oven. Here’s how.

1. Stovetop Steaming

Stovetop steaming is a good alternative to an oven, and the best part is you don’t need much to get started. Just get a large pot, a steaming rack, and a cover and you have the tools you need to begin baking.

Now, pour some water into the pot, place the dish on the rack, and wait for the steam to cook the cake.

2. Slow Cooker Magic

You can also use a slow cooker to cook cakes, especially denser cakes such as a cheesecake or a carrot cake. All you need to do is grease the slow cooker and then pour the cake batter into it. Then, set it at low and wait for a few hours.

3. Sand Bath Baking

You can also cook a cake with just a pot and some sand. All you need to do is fill a large pot with sand, fill the batter in a cake tin, place it on top of the sand, and cover the pot with a lid. The sand will evenly distribute the heat, acting as an oven.

4. Pressure Cookers

If you have a pressure cooker at home, you can also use that to bake a cake. Remove the whistle from the pressure cooker and place the cake pan inside the pressure cooker using a stand. Then, cover the cooker and turn the heat to medium for about 30 minutes.

5. Skillet Sizzle

If all you have is a skillet, you can still bake smaller and flatter cakes like pancakes. For this, all you have to do is grease the skillet and pour the batter over it. Once you have poured the batter, cover it with a lid and cook over low flame. You can flip it after a while so that both sides are cooked properly.

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