Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Cucumber

What are the benefits of eating cucumbers every day? You can turn to this hydrating fruit for better skin, hair and overall health.

Cucumbers have more benefits to one’s health like:

1.Hydrate Skin

Cucumbers are full of water, so it makes sense that they would hydrate dry skin. Give your skin a little TLC with a homemade cucumber face mask. Just pulse together ½ of a cucumber (with the peel still on) and a spoonful of Greek yogurt in a food processor. Then, stir in a few spoonfuls of oats until you reach a paste-like consistency. Apply to your face and let sit for 30 minutes.

2. Banish Puffiness

Putting cucumber slices over your eyes is the oldest beauty cliché in the book. But it actually works! The cool temperature of the cukes, coupled with their antioxidant-rich skin, helps to decrease swelling and inflammation around your eyes.

3. Repair Hair

Are you craving long, luscious locks, but your hair is hesitant to grow? Try a cucumber mask. The potassium-rich fruit promotes growth and hydrates hair. To make a mask, combine an egg, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1/3 of a peeled cucumber in the blender. Apply the mixture to your hair—paying extra close attention to the scalp—and leave in for 10 minutes.

4. Fight Diabetes

Keep your blood sugar under control with cucumbers. This produce pick is full of vitamins and nutrients, including fiber, potassium and vitamin C. Plus, they’re really low in carbs—a full cup has only about 4 grams.

5. Detox Your Gut

If your system needs a reset after a long vacation or a few too many cookies over the holidays, consider cucumbers. Adding a few slices to your water not only adds flavor (which helps you drink more!) but infuses your H20 with anti-inflammatory benefits.

6. Keep Your Breath Fresh

Is your mouth in a post-lunch funk? Banish bad breath with cucumbers. Place a slice between your tongue and the roof of your mouth, then let it sit for about 90 seconds. The cuke fights odor-causing bacteria and leaves you feeling fresh.

7. Soothe a Sunburn

If you stayed out in the sun too long, turn to cucumbers. It helps to moisturize, cool and soothe your skin. For instant relief, place thin slices over the affected area for 15-20 minutes.

8. Stay Regular

Keep your body moving in the right direction by crunching on some cucumber. The water-packed produce helps your body stay hydrated, while its fiber-packed skin helps you digest.

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